Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pink Chair and Piggytails

           Alright, I have neglected my blog long enough that half of you probably don't even check to see if I have updated anymore. I'm telling you, this whole private thing really annoys me.
          We have been quite busy with the warm weather we have been having. I took Payton to the splash park that is just down the street from my house and she LOVED it. As we were walking up to it she squealed with delight. So cute. She is becoming such a little lady I can't believe it. It is amazing how fast she picks up on things. My mom got her that cute chair for her room in the picture above. I have found Sergeant sitting in it more often than I would like, but Payton likes to climb up in it, eat snacks, and yell, "mama!" until I respond from wherever I am in the house. I can't even explain how much I love her.

          I have been working really hard on my goals from my last post, and I am proud to say I am still going strong. I may however wear myself out because I am trying to accomplish all of them at once. I am just so glad I have a lot of positive things going on to keep me busy. Just don't look at my yard today because I have not had a chance to weed this week yet. The rain is not helping the morning glory stay out of my flower beds.

          I started a cake decorating class this week and I can already tell I am going to love it. Lots of the things we learned our first day were familiar, but there were so many little tips that can really help. If you haven't already noticed, for fun I started a blog for my cakes and added the link to my blog list. I had a lot of fun designing the logo and Aubrey came and took some pictures. (thanks again Aubs!) I wanted a name for this blog so I asked my clever dad who immediately came up with DoodlePie Cakes. He has called me DoodlePie ever since I remember, although I have no idea why. I thought it sounded whimsical and cute so I went with it. Check out the blog and let me know what you think!