Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!! Hopefully everyone had a great holiday. This year we did something a little different. I had to work from 1215am-0615am. Not fun. I really didn't think I would have to work the whole thing, but I did. Luckily that kind of shift doesn't interfere with any Christmas plans, but it sure makes for a long tired day. Which you can tell from the pictures that I am in. We started Christmas morning with breakfast at our house with Josh's family and my parents. Oh, and a lovely picture of the 8 month belly in front of the tree:
(see, don't I look sleepy? I was)

Josh's sister Randee and nephew Riley
Josh's mom Kathy and sister Jessie

Me and my mommy!!
My beautiful Christmas tree
Josh, me, and the baby in the belly
Me and my dad

Later I headed over to my Aunts house for some more Christmas festivities (and presents) and then to my Grandmas. We ended our holiday for some good old N64 Mario Cart at Josh's sisters apartment. Yea for the holidays!!! Bring on New Years!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

fit for a princess

So the nursery is finally finished! I am really happy I changed my mind and redid some things. I love the way it turned out. Sorry there are lots of pictures, but you have to try and get the full experience.......

Sergeant really wanted to be in one picture. He doesn't like the nursery. He tries to get the stuffed animals in the crib and the one on the shelf. He is helpful.

These pictures are not in the order I wanted. Oh well

The plaid wall!! It turned out so cool. Lots of paint and time. Totally worth it!!

I can't decide if I like the plaid wall or the crib better. Okay, I love them both.
It is crazy that it is done. We have had the crib and the dresser for over a year (both were amazing deals I just couldn't pass up) and I had made the bedding while Josh was on his mission. (as previously posted, the quilt I made last week) So excited she will be here in just over a month!! We are ready!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

A Nursery Sneak Peek

We are getting so close to having the nursery finished it's crazy. I did however decide about a week ago to change several things, and Josh decided to paint a wall plaid. Yup, you read that right, plaid. It is starting to look awesome. I made a new quilt because the one I had based my original idea on just wasn't doing it for me. So, here is the new quilt......

Yup. All the pink, black, and white you can dream of. Talk about taking an idea and running with it. It is all coming together and I am loving it!! I just have the curtain, the plaid wall, and we have 20 yards of tulle we have to wrestle with. (seriously) This nursery is going to be insane. I am so excited!!