Sunday, February 22, 2009

first day at church

I decided to see how Payton would do at church today, and she did awesome! She slept the whole time. She had a cute new outfit, and I was jealous so I got a new post pregnancy outfit and shoes. I love shoes.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I just love her...

We didn't have any plans for Valentines, and we were supposed to have a showing on our house on Saturday, so we packed up the crew, (Sergeant included) and headed to Josh's parents house for the evening. Josh played xbox with his brother, and Josh's mom, Debra, and I made bracelets for baby girl Payton! Do I feel another impromptu photo session coming on? I think so.

(As you can probably tell I am still trying to figure out my D80. If anybody has any tips, or know of a good photography class, let me know)

Friday, February 13, 2009

whew! 2 posts in one day!

Payton is sleeping, so I should be too, but I don't feel like I do anything anymore but feed her, change her, rock her to sleep, then pump. Then she wakes up again and we start the whole thing over! She is so dang cute and I love her so much that I am happy to do it. Everybody keeps asking me for more pictures of her because they change so much so fast, so here are the most recent ones...

(and Sergeant just makes me laugh so I had to include him)
And on a side note I really want to go to Jamaica. That is all.

Photo Tag!!

I have never been agged before, so I am super excited. Thanks Austin for the tag.....

1. Go to My Pictures
2. Go to the 6th file folder
3. Select the 6th picture
4. Blog about it
5. Tag 6 people

This picture is when Josh was in Korea on his mission. It sits on my desk because I think he looks so cute in it. It was scanned into the computer because he wanted to upload it to facebook or something. I think that was the side of a bus, but I am not sure. He looks so young! I like it.

I tag Heidi, Mom, Jennifer, Abby, Aubrey and Katie

Monday, February 2, 2009

more Payton pics

Here are some more pictures of the best day ever! On our way to the hospital I was screaming in complete agony and I kept yelling to Josh that we were never going to have anymore children, and all of those people who say it is worth it are crazy. Well I know know exactly what they are talking about. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Being a mom is amazing. Definitely something you can't try to describe or explain. The moment I saw her I loved her even more than I had when she was in my belly, and I didn't think it was possible to love her even more. It was such an overwhelming feeling. I am IN LOVE with her red hair. I really hope it stays that color. She has been here almost 6 days, and we are still trying to get a hang of this whole parenting thing. She is an amazing baby, so she makes it really easy. Before we went home Friday they told us she was a high risk jaundice, so we had to take home the lights for her to be in basically 24 hours a day. She was such a trooper though, and slept most of the time so it was easy to leave her under the lights. We had to have her blood tested again Saturday, and she had improved drastically! No more lights! She changes so much every day I never get anything done because I just want to hold and cuddle her. If you would like to come and meet her just give me a call. We love visitors!