Friday, February 13, 2009

whew! 2 posts in one day!

Payton is sleeping, so I should be too, but I don't feel like I do anything anymore but feed her, change her, rock her to sleep, then pump. Then she wakes up again and we start the whole thing over! She is so dang cute and I love her so much that I am happy to do it. Everybody keeps asking me for more pictures of her because they change so much so fast, so here are the most recent ones...

(and Sergeant just makes me laugh so I had to include him)
And on a side note I really want to go to Jamaica. That is all.


Lindsay said...

Oh my gosh - Payton is SO gorgeous! I hope you are loving every minute! And I totally know how you feel - I feel like I was just there in the same exact position. You change them, feed them, pump, rock them to sleep, then do it all again a million times every day! Trust gets better. You won't be living life like that for too much longer...I promise! Just enjoy it for now - before you know it, she will be all over the place and she'll double in size before you know it! It's crazy to remember how tiny they are in the beginning! She is such a doll. And you are an awesome mommy! Hang in there!

The Smeads said...

She is so cute! I can't wait to see you guys again and hang out. You are doing so awesome I promise it gets easier!

The Smeads said...
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Heidi and Judd said...

Oh cute! I can't get enough!