Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween party

We got invited to a Halloween party tonight by a friend Josh knew from high school. Weeks ago we had this brilliant idea that I was going to be a WWII nurse, and Josh was going to be a WWII marine. We ordered authentic outfits online (2 weeks ago may I remind you) and started planning our costumes. Mine came quickly, but due to my large belly, my dress would not button up. It was a sad day at the Griffith household. I made it work though. Two angry emails and no responses later, the ebay seller had still not shipped Josh's marine uniform. We had to improvise a hour before the party, so Josh got a great deal at the army surplus store. Here is the result......

I know, my belly is much larger than the last picture of it. It seemed to double overnight. Seriously. So we will be dressing up again on Halloween to make use of Josh's costume that shipped YESTERDAY. Yes, for those of you that were following along, the seller did not ship it for two weeks. I see no reason for that, and am quite annoyed.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bunco and 99 days!!

So friday night I had such a blast. My friend Tauni started a bunco group and our first game was friday. Who knew rolling dice and counting numbers could get so intense!! It was so much fun. I got to meet some new people and laughed my head of all night. I am so excited she invited me to be in the bunco group, and I already can't wait until next month! BUNCO!!!!!!

And we are down to 99 days! CRAZY! As we were talking about bunco and arranging whose house it was going to be at in January, I realized just how quickly this baby is going to be here. Like, 3 months away! The holidays always seem to make time fly, so she is going to be here before we know it!! Luckily, we are ready. I am just so excited I can't even stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Big News!!!!!

I got text back!! It's true. Unlimited. Super excited. However my phone is having issues and is acting like it still can't send them even when it can, so that is going to take some time on the phone with customer service trying to fix. I love being charged for something I can't even do. LOVE IT!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My quilt and my belly

Well, it's official. I am huge. I can't move, sleep, sit, or even get up off the couch without my belly being in the way. I know the worst is yet to come, but it is so WEIRD all of a sudden having a stomach that you can't suck in. You just can't. Trust me, I've tried. It doesn't go anywhere. It is cool now though because you can feel her moving if you put your hand on my stomach, and when I lay on my back, you can see my stomach move. It is kinda crazy. I have developed a new love for KFC fried chicken though. Yesterday I got myself a 7 piece dinner. Yep, 7 pieces, plus mashed potatoes, gravy, and 4 biscuits. mmmmm gravy. Have I ever loved KFC so much before? Not at all, but boy was that 7 piece dinner good. So here is the belly's big debut......

See what I'm talking about?

Because I am not working enough hours between my two jobs and trying to feed my belly, I decided it was time for a project. I made this quilt which I love! It turned out even cuter than I thought. Now, it may look simple, but don't let it fool you. But after unpicking it twice and a trip to my moms almost in tears, it is complete.

and no, this is not what the nursery colors are. More to come on that later. It is close to complete!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lunch with Aubrey

So the other day I finally got together with my friend Aubrey. We have known eachother forever. I'm talking since joy school forever. We went to Olive Garden for lunch and talked for hours. It was so much fun! Thanks Aubrey for a great afternoon!!! We have to get together more often, and hopefully Tauni can join us next time!!