Wednesday, December 17, 2008

fit for a princess

So the nursery is finally finished! I am really happy I changed my mind and redid some things. I love the way it turned out. Sorry there are lots of pictures, but you have to try and get the full experience.......

Sergeant really wanted to be in one picture. He doesn't like the nursery. He tries to get the stuffed animals in the crib and the one on the shelf. He is helpful.

These pictures are not in the order I wanted. Oh well

The plaid wall!! It turned out so cool. Lots of paint and time. Totally worth it!!

I can't decide if I like the plaid wall or the crib better. Okay, I love them both.
It is crazy that it is done. We have had the crib and the dresser for over a year (both were amazing deals I just couldn't pass up) and I had made the bedding while Josh was on his mission. (as previously posted, the quilt I made last week) So excited she will be here in just over a month!! We are ready!!


The Smeads said...

Oh how cute!!! I wish I was more creative and did Ethans room cuter!

Jen @ Love, the Arthurs said...

That looks so cute! You guys did such a greath job!

Nessa said...

thats absolutely adorable!!

Heidi and Judd said...

Oh that is so cute, I love it! You've done an amazing job, I just can't wait to see your little princess!

Bailey Family said...

Oh my goodness Dani! The nursery is beautiful! You did an amazing job. I want to come see it live:)! Cant wait for you to have your little baby. Enjoy your quiet nights now!