Monday, May 18, 2009

Getting so big

How can she almost be 4 months? It feels like Payton was just born and we are still trying to get a hang of this whole parenting thing. I can't believe how much she changes everyday. Even just the little things she learns to do. She has been rolling from her tummy to her back for weeks, and is really close to rolling from back to tummy. She love sitting up in her bumbo so she can see what everybody is doing. She is trying so hard to sit up by herself it makes feeding her quite fun. I realized the other day that we have been so crazy with the house stuff I keep forgetting to take pictures of this cute growing girl. Here are some I took yesterday in her church dress.

this is what she does to all her dresses as soon as I put them on her. so modest


Bailey Family said...

You guys she is adorable! Oh my goodness what a sweetheart! I am sure you are having so much fun with her!

Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness, she is ADORABLE!!! I can't believe how big she is getting, I feel like you just had her too! I love that picture of her lifting up her skirt - too funny! Her big blue eyes are amazing! She's going to be a heart-breaker...tell Josh to start preparing to fight off all the guys!

Nessa said...

She is so cute dani!! I love her red hair!! And she looks so much like you!!! I cant believe it has already been 4 months!

The Smeads said...

I love her little outfit. How fun! Glad to see you guys are doing well.